Communications at KPS
Outlined here are the ways to keep up to date with everything that’s happening at Killara Public School. In order to be included in these communications, please register for the school’s app, called Sentral and provide your contact details to your class parent in the first week of the school year, as outlined below. You will also need to keep your contact details up to date with the school office.
I have a question about my child…
The first point of contact for queries relating to your child is via your class teacher. To make an appointment, please contact the school office by phone (9498 2397) or email ( You may contact the teacher directly if an email address has been provided to parents.
Get to Know Your Class Representatives
Every class aims to have two class parent representatives who volunteer to organise and coordinate class-related activities. Their role is to provide communications between the teacher and other class parents (e.g. to organise reading group rosters, provide last minute email reminders on behalf of the teacher and organize class social functions). If you would like to be a Class Representative, please advise your class teacher at the Parent Information Night (held in the first few weeks of term 1). Once appointed, the Class Representatives will introduce themselves via email to all class parents.
All school year groups will be allocated an event/activity which is to be managed collectively by the Class Representatives across the grade. Class Representatives will call out for volunteer parents within their class to assist.
Save the School Directory
This is a document containing contact details for each class member and their parents/carers. Your Class Representative will send you this directory once it has been completed.
Fortnightly Newsletters
The school produces a fortnightly newsletter which is emailed to all parents. The newsletter is also sent out on the Sentral app. and is available on the school website ( School Newsletters). They contain updates on all activities happening at the school. The P&C have a page in the newsletter fortnightly to update the community of our P&C news.
Read Notes Sent Home
Notes and permission slips are often sent home via the class teacher/office with your child or via the SchoolBytes app. Sometimes only one note goes home with the eldest child, other times there will be one note per child. Notes are also available on the SchoolBytes app. and from the school website ( School Notes).
Information Evenings & Parent/Teacher Interviews
There are information evenings held throughout the year for important topics/events (e.g. at the start of the school year and for education week). Parent/Teacher interviews are also conducted mid-year. School reports are sent home mid-year and at the end of the year.
The KPS Website
The KPS Website is the main school information site, containing notes and forms, a calendar of upcoming events, teacher information, school annual reports etc
View the KPS Parents & Citizens Association Website
The P&C Website is the main source of information for P&C activities. It contains links to the online uniform shop and canteen ordering and provides information about upcoming P&C events. You can also feedback thoughts and questions about the school to the P&C executive ( Contact the P&C)
Browse the “Killara Public School Parents” Facebook Page
This is a public group, managed by parents for parents. Like, share and comment at
Get to Know Your Parents & Citizens Association (P&C) Representatives
P&C Representatives are parent/carer volunteers who help to bring parents, community, teachers and students together to support the school. They assist with fundraising to benefit the school/children and manage some key functions at the school, such as the uniform shop & canteen.
I have an idea, information or concern I'd like the P&C to address
If you have any items to be raised at a P&C meeting please email the secretary to raise the item at the next P&C meeting. You will need to be present at the meeting to introduce your item and discuss your item. The P&C do not raise anonymous items. If you have a proposal you'd like to raise at the P&C meeting please complete this form and submit it to the secretary as soon as possible.