
Membership is open to:

  • All parents and guardians of students enrolled at the school.

  • All citizens within the school community.

  • The Principal of the school, or the Principal’s nominee, shall be a member, ex officio, of the P&C Association and its sub-committees.
    School staff may become members of the P&C Association.

  • Employees of the P&C Association can be a member; however, they will need to understand the Conflict of Interests and be aware of potential conflicts when attending and participating in a meeting

How do people become financial members of our P&C Association?

By paying the prescribed annual subscription (membership fee) of $1 to the Treasurer or nominee and their name recorded in the register of members. The register of members is updated at the close of a General Meeting and the close of the Annual General Meeting. The new member will be able to have voting rights in the following meeting.

You pay your membership fee via the P&C Store here

What are the benefits of a financial membership?

  • A financial member is able to participate in the democratic decision-making processes of the P&C Association.

  • A financial member can be nominated and can hold an official position on the P&C

  • A financial member who ‘consents’ to becoming a member of the organisation earns the rights and obligations under the law that regulates our P&C (ie. Federation of P&C Association NSW) and our KPS P&C Constitution.

NB. KPS P&C ASSOC INC is a member of and follows the guidelines set by Federation of Parents and Citizens Association NSW. Our constitution and by-laws are prescribed by Federation of P&C Assoc NSW.