P&C Roles
At the P&C AGM in February each year, all P&C positions become vacant. They are refilled by attending parents, following a vote of those present at the meeting. Any unfilled positions can be filled by vote at the next ordinary P&C meeting. Please contact the P&C President if you are interested in any unfilled roles via this form.
Some large P&C roles are team roles, where groups of parents work together. All KPS parents are warmly welcome to participate in the P&C, regardless of experience or English skills. The P&C can not continue to exist without the contribution of all our parents, particularly our ESL parents who make up more than half of the school community.
2025 Office Bearers
President - Shona Faure
The President is elected at the P&C Association’s Annual General Meeting.
Responsibilities of the President
Vice President - Darren Kelly & Felipe Rojas
The vice president in the absence of the President presides over the meeting. The Vice President supports the role of the President and may be required to:
Chair meetings or parts of meetings under the direction of the President. Chair meetings in the absence of the President Signatory on bank accounts.
Take on the responsibility of supporting / leading sub-committees.
Represent the President if the President is not available.
Secretary - Trish Birtles
The Secretary is responsible for carrying out the administrative tasks related to the decisions of the meetings as resolved. The Secretary prepares, in consultation with the President, all meeting agendas.
Responsibilities of the Secretary
Treasurer - Rajinder Singh
Assistant Treasurer - Sonja Larrosa
The Treasurer receives and deposits all monies, maintains records, draws cheques and presents accounts to each meeting, and presents all records for auditing each year.
Responsibilities of the Treasurer
Other P&C Roles
Regional P&C Representative - Kateryna Tretyak
Representing the KPS P&C at regional P&C meetings and reporting back to the P&C any relevant information from those meetings.
Grants and Submissions - Mel Rumble
Identifying funding grants for school projects and applying for grants. The role also involves undertaking any reporting duties required under existing grants.
Grounds & Facilities - Chris Carr-Boyd
Responsible for organising the Working Bee / Maintenance Day twice a year.
Class Parent Coordinator - Julia Menzies
Responsible for developing and maintaining parent contact details for each class and distributing those lists to class parents.
Social & Fundraising Coordinators - Shona Faure, Sonia Singh, Kateryna Tretyak
The fund raising team
liaises with the P&C President (and Executive) on fundraising goals for P&C for the year ahead
develops a plan for social and fundraising activities for the year in line with other school and P&C organised activities and incorporating input from other P&C members
recruits volunteers for activities, allocating responsibilities to team members and ensuring everyone remains on track
drafts event related communication and marketing/advertising
is responsible for event budget creation (obtain approval) and expense management
Communications /Social Media / Website Coordinators - Christine Chan, Angie Valenzuela
Coordinating information for the P&C newsletter fortnightly update and SkoolBag.
Facebook updates.
Assisting in promotion of school events.
Coordinating P&C surveys for the parent community.
Planning and developing the P&C website and updating the website as required.
Uniform Shop - Davina Seeto (Paid position)
The uniform shop manager operates the online ordering business and the uniform shop which is open for parents on a Thursday afternoon from 2.30pm-3.30pm. They manage uniform suppliers, product inventories and recommend the uniform product range. The managers also organise the volunteer roster for uniform sales and deliveries.